[Lincoln Cathedral, very early in the morning on September 11th, 1251] [Our anti-heroes have made their way to Benedict de Vesci to ask him about any tombs of a particular vintage in the area. He indicated that they would have a fair trek ahead of them, so they're staying in the crypts beneath the cathedral for the day and embarking tomorrow. They've found a corner without too much dirt or cobwebs, and soon they'll be going to sleep. But not quite yet.] [Begin!] #06* Moriel is in much the same position he's adopted every night in their travels so far - sitting crosslegged with his eyes closed. He has his back to a wall today, since they're far enough underground that Eliana needn't ward them against the sun. Unlike other nights, however, there's a faint frown line between his brows that he can't seem to erase. Every once in a while he twitches or shifts, as if restless. I'm just saying that if I am fortunate enough to live as old as d Vesci that I would hopefully have nicer... rooms. #06* Ysabeau has been pacing the dusty rooms talking to anyone who happens to be listening. After her brief taste of London she has been itching for more city visiting. #06* Eliana is seated against the wall. Her cloak is off and laid out on the floor beneath her. An open book is on her lap and the flame on her shoulder. Her hands are bare. #06* Eliana glances up from her book to see Ysabeau pace. "I'm certain he has nice enough rooms - for himself." Beneath an abandoned cathedral in the middle of no where. He could be surrounded by society. #06* Moriel opens his eyes with a silent sigh. "Perhaps he dislikes society." Imagine the wealth he has built up. where is it? Even you would at least have a house built of books. What is the use of all of his potential knowledge if he doesn't use it? #06* Eliana shrugs with one shoulder. "The Lincoln Cathedral *is* quite grand, you must admit." She turns a page. "And a house made of books is impractical." Cathedrals are of no use to me now. Their best feature is only worth seeing in the sunlight, and I am a little restricted there these days. What is so wrong with society? Your little enchantments mean nothing if you are always alone I bet. Nothing is wrong with society, if one enjoys it. Not everyone does. #06* Moriel smiles faintly, eyes glittering. "And her little enchantments can be quite useful for enforcing her privacy, if she wishes it." Then why try to save it? I know you stumbled into a lot of this, but still, you could just walk away and find your own crypts. So... why are you two so close? #06* Moriel just looks at Ysabeau for a long moment. "It would be rude to simply leave the rest of you if the entire group isn't separating." #06* Moriel just ignores the second question. #01 There is something to be said for strength in numbers, as well. #06* Moriel nods. "Though I am not sure what would threaten us down here. I was far more concerned about that when we stayed the day in Jenny's domain." #06* Ysabeau smiles "True, and true... and I think you both have some attachment to our little band. Maybe no me, but the others you have known a little longer" #06* Moriel 's mouth twists, but he doesn't say anything. But you two, you two are especially close. Any glimpses of affect I see in either of you is towards each other. How did you two meet? #01 The same as when I met everyone else in our group, except for you and Rolf. We were framed for murder. Then how did you come to be so close? #06* Moriel raises his eyebrows. "I don't really see that that's any of your business." We are often stuck in tight dark spaces and I get bored easily. We COULD do other things. But Eliana doesn't like being touched much. #06* Eliana says dryly, "Why don't you try Moriel. See how that works out for you." ...No, thank you. #06* Eliana smirks. I can handle both at once, if you think you'd be a little bolder together. #06* Ysabeau smiles So, we know that Cosimo has someone, how about you Eliana? You are beautiful in your way. Any suitors waiting for you? #06* Eliana stares at Ysabeau for about two seconds before she bursts out laughing. Oh come on, no one? #06* Moriel is mostly trying to control his recoil at Ysabeau's suggestion. What about your pretty assistant? Is she more your style? #06* Ysabeau inches close to Eliana out of interest. #06* Moriel 's head snaps up at that, and then he turns to stare at Eliana in wide- eyed worry. #06* Eliana freezes the moment those words leave Ysabeau's mouth. She turns her attention fully to Ysabeau and just looks at her, stock still and rigid. "No," she says, voice hard and cold. "She is not yours, either." #06* Ysabeau looks a little hurt. "Well how would you know? And why protect her from me, I'm nothing to worry about." #06* Moriel murmurs, "Toreadors like their shiny objects, you said." His eyes are still on Eliana, though. #01 You're enough. You hardly know me. #06* Eliana smiles faintly and without amusement. "And you, clearly, hardly know me." That is because you won't talk to me. #06* Moriel manages to tear his gaze away from Eliana. "Mistress Bellamy. Drop it." How did you come to be accused of murder? #06* Moriel says tightly, "We were found standing above a man's corpse." All of you, total strangers? How did you each get there? I told you that tale already, remember? I know, but I am curious about the little bits before. What were you doing before you were interrupted? #06* Moriel settles back a little, though, calming down. "Looking at it and wondering who it was and how it had gotten there. As anyone would do with a fresh body." #06* Eliana tries to read, her hands clenching the book very tightly. #06* Ysabeau sighs, "I think you know what I mean. You all had lives before this. Plans, hopes, goals. We are stuck here until evening, so, why not share?" #06* Moriel is quiet for a moment, then he says, "Your pardon. I misunderstood." He flicks a concerned glance in Eliana's direction, then turns back Ysabeau. #06* Eliana is reading and giving off a very strong aura of leave her the fuck alone. In any case, I had only just arrived in London before that happened. I did not, as you put it, "have a life". I am surrounded by literalists. Moriel, where are you from before you became a hero? #06* Moriel opens his mouth to say something dry, then closes it and sighs. "Scotland." Realizing Ysabeau will probably not be satisfied with that, however, he adds, "The highlands. Not a place you would know; far from cities." Oh, is that where you were from before the embrace? #06* Moriel pauses. "That, too." #06* Eliana glances up at Moriel. #06* Moriel is not looking at Eliana, mostly because he doesn't want to remind Ysabeau of her existence. I don't know much about that area, what was it like? Green. Mountainous. Damp. Lots of sheep; fewer people. I must be honest, that sounds awful. #06* Moriel smiles faintly. It's actually a genuine one this time, though it seems to be less at Ysabeau and more at the memory of his home. "I didn't think you would like it." I am sure there is some beauty even there. and I do appreciate that you shared. #06* Ysabeau smiles and then finds her own corner to curl up in and sit quietly. #06* Moriel does not breathe a sigh of relief. Or roll his eyes. Or snort. He does look over at Eliana, though. #06* Eliana meets Moriel's gaze, nods ever so slightly, and goes back to reading. #01 [Mini End!]