[Sherwood Forest, Nottinghamshire, January 20th 1252, 8:00 PM] [After an information exchange with Thomas the Rat, Thomas told Moriel that his search for the Salubri would start with an informant named "Garrett" in Sherwood Forest who Thomas described as "very dangerous." He was unwilling to say why, but Thomas informed Moriel that he should tell Garrett immediately that he is on a quest to befriend the Salubri, because that might calm him down.] [Some time after wandering into the forest, Moriel still hasn't found this Garrett person, but he begins to hear the noises of rustling leaves coming from behind him.] [Begin] * Moriel tilts his head to the side and stops his thus-far fruitless wandering. He steps over to stand beside a tree and waits quietly, looking in the direction the rustling is coming from. [Moriel notices the outline of a large man, probably around Rolf's size standing by a tree in the distance. He's got unmanaged, long hair and is dressed in loose-fitting clothing.] * Moriel stares more intently at the man, first in study, then in thought. He raises a hand in greeting, but doesn't move otherwise. [The man stares back and then clenches his fist, moving forward towards Moriel. "What does an agent of the Wyrm want in this place? Speak quickly!"] * Moriel stands very still, but his voice is calm. "I'm looking for a man named Garrett. I was told he could help me find the Salubri." [A moment later, the man's flesh has grown course, brown fur and he has increased in size, morphing into a hybrid form of half-man/half-wolf. But he pauses in his advances. "And what do you want with the Salubri?"] * Moriel looks up at the man. Still not moving, still calm, though his eyes are sad. "I was also told that if I wanted to learn more of Golconda, I should speak to them." [The man shakes his head. "I know not of this Golconda, cainite, but if you do not seek to do them harm, I will not kill you immediately. Come with me." The man's shape changes again, this time into a full-wolf. The wolf runs quickly through the forest, darting around trees and under logs. He is not making it easy for Moriel to follow.] * Moriel sprints after him. He's not as graceful about it on two legs as the wolf is on four, but he swerves around the trees and leaps the logs and manages to keep up. [Moriel manages to follow the wolf to what appears to be a gorge. The wolf bounds down the log and rocks that lead down into the gorge itself and ducks behind a fallen tree into a hidden cave, where he morphs back into a man. "I am Garrett, cainite. A Garou of the Fianna Tribe. What is this Golconda you speak of?"] * Moriel doesn't need air to fuel his muscles any more, fortunately, so he can answer that instead of gasping for breath after that run. "It's a means of salvation for my kind. Supposedly," he says quietly. He glances down, then back up at Garrett. "I don't want to harm the Salubri. I want my soul back." [Garrett shakes his head. "I am afraid that seems impossible to me; however, I will tell you what I know of the Salubri." Garrett walks further into the cave, and sits down on the ground in front of a fire pit. He picks up an iron spear and strikes a piece of flint across it, lighting the fire. "Have a seat, Wyrmkin."] * Moriel follows Garrett deeper into the cave. He pulls back as the...garou?...lights his fire, then walks forward again more slowly and takes a seat well back from the flames. * Moriel looks like he wants to ask questions, but he restrains himself and just waits on Garrett instead. [Garrett smiles slightly at this action. "It was many years ago now. Well.. for my kind, you see... Probably 15 years or so... That I met with a Salubri. I was wandering through the forest at night when I saw the glow of flames in the distance. I hurried in that direction and found a hamlet just outside Nottingham burning. I did not know the source, but it was close to the forest edge. It threatened to destroy the forest, the people, and all the life here. I changed into my Crinos form, what you might call a hybrid form, and worked to put out the flames, pounding them down with mud as people ran screaming, first from the fire and then from me. After some time, most of the village had stopped burning, but one building collapsed, trapping a family inside. A stranger, shrouded in a black cloak, rushed forward into the flames and pulled out the injured bodies of the human children who were trapped inside, and he proceeded to do what, at the time, I thought must have been magic. He placed his hands on their bodies and their wounds began to close. His own flesh was scorched as well, and he was clearly in pain; but he ignored that for the sake of them. Moments after that, the villagers turned on me, calling me a monster and coming after me with what implements they had left. I ran into the forest, and was pierced with several arrows as I fled. I took one more look at the village as I disappeared into the forest, and the stranger was gone. Once I had ran far enough into the forest, I began to tear out the arrows, leaving large holes where they struck me. And just then, the stranger appeared again. He told me he was a cainite from the clan 'Salubri,' and that I should not be alarmed. He was here to help. I allowed him to heal my wounds, as he had done for the villagers. Never before had I seen a cainite help a human selflessly, even willing to brave fire to do so." He motions towards the fire pit as if to suggest that he realizes Moriel's inherent fear. "I told this Salubri that I would help him if ever he needed it, and he told me where to find him if ever I needed help once again. So you see, Cainite, I do know where to find a Salubri, but I am not inclined to tell you, unless I know I can trust you as I could trust him."] * Moriel considers this, looking out into the night. He says softly, "I cannot heal. I wish I could. And there is no one here to save. I don't know how else I might prove myself to you, except perhaps by daring the fire. But that would prove merely determination, not goodwill." [Garrett shakes his head. "There is no need to harm yourself. This is what I require of you. Stay here, with me, for four nights. In that time, you are not to partake of living flesh. If you can withstand this fast, and are willing to trust your life to me, I will tell you where to find this salubri. And in those four nights. You can tell me your story, so that, perhaps, I can understand why you seek him."] * Moriel glances back at Garrett, smiling faintly. "I walked into this forest unarmed, with a good guess what you were and knowing you would likely want to kill me. I've already offered you my life. Such as it is. I can fast for four nights. As for my tale...well." His smile turns sad again. "I can tell you that, too." [At the end of four nights, wherein Moriel, presumably told Garrett his life story, Garrett approaches Moriel. "As I promised, Cainite, I will reveal to you the sanctuary of this salubri. His name is Velasco, and he has taken up residence in eastern Denmark on the mountain called Yding Skovhj. He said that half way up the mountain, you will be greeted by an angel and she will lead you to a cavern which appears to have no light, but is, in fact, lit by the light of hope. As long as you continue through this cavern you will reach a clearing in which stands the ruins of a keep. That is where you will find Velasco."] * Moriel nods, then tilts his head, looking up at Garrett. "Thank you." [Garrett simply nods and walks out of his cave. "I hope you find the salvation you seek."] * Moriel watches Garrett go, and repeats quietly, "Thank you." Once the garou is gone, he makes his own way out of the forest, and eventually back to London. [Mini End]