<@Dreol> [Somewhere in the north of England, January 11th 1261, 7 AM] <@Dreol> [You have all just escaped through the tunnels leading to a city you presume to be New Carthage. Rolf has managed to rescue Victoria and the rest of you have escaped unseen, but now the Brujah who had accompanied Victoria stands in the way between you and freedom. He draws a large two-handed sword from his back and stands ready to fight. You have not much time before sunrise.] <@Dreol> [Begin] #06* Cosimo smiles beneath his turban, drawing his sword. Once free of the scabbard, he runs the blade across his palm, cutting himself and coating the curved steel with a thick blackish-crimson ichor. #06* Rolf roars his challenge back to the Brujah, before snarling, "Just the one of you bastards? And I thought maybe this would be difficult." #06* Rolf then charges forward, blocking off the Brujah's approach to Victoria as he attempts to strike him down with his beefy paws. #06* Thalaba steps closer to Moriel, Victoria and the other injured people, prepared to defend with her fangs and fists if necessary. #06* Eliana steps between the Brujah and Moriel, reaching out one hand towards him. Her fingers turn inward, like claws, and she pulls a thin but steady stream of blood from him and into her gloved hand, where it disappears. <@Dreol> [Dumhnall is hit hard in the chest by Rolf's claws and then turns and swings his sword at his attacker. "Hmph... You fight so hard to maintain your precious little system of lies."] <@Dreol> [Leonardo draws his sword and runs forward stabbing it into Domhnall's stomach, and the Brujah winces as a stream of blood pours down from his abdomen.] #06* Rolf takes a sword strike across his already wounded chest and grimaces, stumbling back slightly. Then he snarls back at him and replies, "I fight hard 'cause there ain't no other way to fight." #06* Moriel manages to draw his sword, though he makes no move to try to attack the Brujah. He remains in a defensive stance towards the rear, near Victoria. <@Dreol> [Domhnall continues to move towards Victoria, although a great deal slower than before and then brings his sword down on her shoulder, but the blade fails to penetrate her skin. She grins, barring one fang and then laughs. "That all you got, Domhnall? Can't even scratch a girl whose half-dead? Well... half re-dead..."] #06* Rolf adds to her quip with, "Guess he don't... think much of fighting hard... at all..." #06* Eliana comments dryly, "I doubt he thinks much in general." #06* Cosimo takes a quick sidestep to get behind the rather large, single-minded Brujah and slashes at him with his sword. The blade connects, cutting into the large back of his mark. "big mistake" <@Dreol> [Domhnall roars in pain and falls to his knees, blood pouring down his back as his veins burn with poison. His hand grips tightly onto his sword.] #06* Eliana watches the idiot drop. "If he did, he may not have turned his back to the assassin." #06* Cosimo nods to Eliana in acknowledgment. #06* Rolf smirks and raises his claw. "Or the wolf." And then he swipes it down across his neck and upper back, clawing out huge bloody chunks of wamp. <@Dreol> [Domhnall's grip on the sword loosens and he falls face first on the ground in a pool of blood. Victoria leaps on him and drains what is left of the blood in his body out and some of her wounds close as she sighs. "That's better."] #06* Rolf then pushes him over with a growling snarl, before lifting Victoria up slightly. He himself looks pretty beat up, but at least he's still moving. If slowly. "We need to get to ground..." #06* Thalaba can't help but giggle a little at all the snarky remarks. #06* Moriel relaxes his guard for a brief moment as their opponent goes down, then looks back the way they came. "Yes. If they send the garou after us, however..." #06* Eliana nods, glancing back. She gestures for people to get a-move on. agreed... we must not tarry like jackals <@Dreol> [It is about one hour before the sun is scheduled to peak over the mountains.] #06* Moriel re-sheathes his sword and starts walking out. He can't manage faster than that; he still looks like it hurts to move. <@Dreol> [Victoria nods to Rolf and stumbles along a bit. "I can walk. I'm okay now."] #06* Rolf also heals up a little before they start to move, his eyes flicking around to find a place where some wamps might west. "Right... sure." He rubs the back of his head with his bloody hand as he moves. #06* Cosimo looks to Rolf. "I can scout ahead for a place to wait out the day if you wish. but i understand if you would rather i stay with the group" #06* Eliana brings up the rear, probably with Thalaba. <@Dreol> [The hills in which the cave is dug that leads to the city continues along the horizon. After some walking, Cosimo spots a well-hidden cave off around the other side of a hill in the distance.] #06* Cosimo returns to the group. He approaches Rolf. "there is a cave not far from here. i believe we can make it" #06* Rolf nods slightly and growls, "Good. Let's hope it ain't already a werewolf den." #06* Rolf heads/leads that way. <@Dreol> [Victoria, Carlyle, and Leonardo also head towards the cave.] #06* Cosimo assists where he can to keep the band moving, and periodically checks behind the group to see if they are being followed. #06* Thalaba follows after Rolf to the cave #06* Moriel heads that way too, as quickly as he can at the moment. #06* Eliana moves a little ahead, sharpening her senses to see if there are any signs of habitation. <@Dreol> [It is difficult to tell if the cave has habitants. The entrance to the cave is small and low to the ground. The hill that it is cut into provides a kind of upper-lip to the cave that makes it both hard to see and hard to enter quickly; however, as you all get closer the inside of the cave appears to be empty from where you can see.] #06* Eliana glances back at where the sun will rise, then heads into the cave. There really is little time. #06* Rolf lets the others go in ahead, looking out into the distance to see if he can see anyone else approaching, searching for them, or anything like that. #06* Moriel ducks to get into the cave and moves towards the back to make way for the others. #06* Cosimo assists Rolf in keeping watch. #06* Thalaba enters the cave and finds a spot away from the opening <@Dreol> [The cave is empty and looks well hidden. It is spacious, although the ceiling is very low. Probably about 5 feet. Leonardo and Carlyle both crawl inside, but Victoria remains outside. "You all stay safe. I'm going to stay out here." And her body begins to seemingly fuse with the earth beneath her as she sinks into the ground and then, finally, disappears entirely.] #06* Rolf watches Victoria go down like that and nods slightly before looking at everyone and growling out a, "I'll do the same, just in case." <@Dreol> [Somewhere in the north of England, January 12th 1261, 5:00 PM] <@Dreol> [You have all had an undisturbed day's rest and awake the next night without incident. Victoria emerges from the ground. She looks a bit better than she did the previous night and she looks up at the rest of the group. "We need to get back and report to Prince Mithras."] #06* Moriel says quietly, "Yes. And I have a stop to make on the way there." #06* Rolf de-earths a few moments later than Victoria, and doesn't really look much better at all! #06* Eliana looks at Moriel. "How long of a stop?" #06* Moriel tilts his head, thinking. "It's not too far out of the way. A few hours, perhaps." #06* Eliana frowns, but she doesn't ask. <@Dreol> [You are depart then! For London, and, perhaps a detour for Moriel.] <@Dreol> [About three days into the journey, you all reach a large thick forest with about three hours to go until sunrise.] #06* Moriel glances at Rolf. "Time for me to part ways with you for the moment." #06* Rolf nods slightly with a growl, then manages a slight smile and says, "Don't get yourself killed, I expect to see you back in London as soon as possible." #06* Moriel smiles faintly back. "Naturally." He bows to the company at large and then turns and walks into the forest. #06* Eliana watches Moriel go, lingering slightly before following the others. <@Dreol> [Four days later you all arrive in London at Mithras' court. As you enter the court, Mithras stands. The room is empty save for some of the prince's servants. Mithras speaks up as he sees the group. "Rolf, what do you have to report?"] #06* Cosimo takes his leave once in London, prior to arriving at Mithras's court. He wishes all well and disappears into the shadows of the night. #06* Rolf bows slightly and then says, "Lord Mithras, my clanmate Victoria was able to lead us to Carthage, an underground city where they tortured werewolves into their service." <@Dreol> [Mithras nods. Seemingly unphased. "Go on. Where is this city." He motions to the map on the table in front of him.] #06* Rolf will locate it on the map for him with now-cleaned hands. No need to get blood all over the map! <@Dreol> [Mithras nods. "You have all done well. This is sure to be a long endeavor, but now, at least, we are on even ground. They know where we are, and we know where they are. I expect a full report to be written and delivered here tomorrow night. For now, you are excused. You should get some rest. We are about to have some very long nights."] <@Dreol> [Mithras sits back down on his throne.] #06* Eliana nods and is out of there. She knows a dismissal when she's present for one. #06* Thalaba takes her leave as well. <@Dreol> [Victoria bows and heads out. Leonardo does as well, adding "Thank you, my prince." Carlyle silently nods and turns to leave.] #06* Rolf also leaves! Damn, he's awesome. <@Dreol> [On your way out, Moriel is seen heading out of London proper towards the group. Within a few minutes, you manage to meet up again.] <@Dreol> [Session End]