<@Dreol> [Last time our heroes returned to Mithras' court sans Moriel and Cosimo, who had other things to do. They reported what they had seen and Mithras requested a formal written report from Rolf the next night. On the way out of the court, the group spotted Moriel walking towards them, and Cosimo, having just returned from his own meeting is also enroute towards the same place and notices Moriel and the rest of the group converging.] <@Dreol> [Begin, wampitches!] #06* Moriel raises a hand in greeting as he gets closer to the others. "Good evening," he says quietly. #06* Rolf is clearly mentally going through what 'formal written report' means. #06* Eliana raises an eyebrow at Moriel's appearance. "You're back," she says. #06* Cosimo catches sight of his acquaintances and stops in the shadows, nodding his head respectfully in acknowledgment, but remaining a respectful distance should they be on official court business. #06* Moriel nods. "I said it would not take long." He looks off in the direction of Mithras' manor house, whence the others just came. "I should go report to Prince Mithras, I suppose." #06* Eliana blinks. "We already did." #06* Eliana looks over Moriel's shoulder and makes a brief gesture with one gloved hand, in Cosimo's direction: #06* Moriel looks up at Eliana. "On my own doings." He pauses a moment, looking away. "The garou are going to war with Carthage. They'll likely be moving in numbers by spring." #06* Cosimo nods to Eliana, gesturing a response. #06* Cosimo gestures again. #06* Eliana makes a short gesture to Cosimo in response. #06* Rolf nods slowly and says, "They sure got good reason." #01 How do you know this? #06* Cosimo pushes himself off the wall he was leaning against and approaches the group. #06* Moriel says softly, "Yes." And then he glances up at Eliana again, tilting his head. "It was the estimate given to me." #06* Eliana frowns, but she chooses not to press. Well, uh, it ain't much in line with Mithras' masquerade, but it's sure in line with makin' Carthage a place nobody wants to be. Unfortunately, they have no ready way to distinguish Carthaginians from other Kindred. Even for those of them who wish to. There will likely be more clashes with them. Though they do at least know the general region of New Carthage, which should help to focus their energies. #06* Moriel 's eyes darken again. "And they likely won't be able to break the enchantment that holds their brethren enslaved." #01 Still, it would be best not to attack New Carthage when the garou also are. A pity, because it seems that would be the perfect time to strike. #06* Moriel quiets. This is probably more sentences than anyone has heard him utter in a row since they first left on their jaunt north. #06* Rolf shrugs a little and says, "Well, uh, we can help 'em with that enchantment. I mean, vampires made it, vampires can unmake it." #06* Moriel flicks a sideways glance at Rolf. "I do not think they would accept that aid." #06* Rolf shrugs a little and says, "Don't think it's up to 'em. We don't want to deal with it either." We get rid of that, they lose a lot of muscle. #06* Moriel shrugs agreement. #01 Would you mind describing exactly what you saw, Rolf? #06* Rolf looks at Eliana, nods a little, then scratches his head. "There was a guy torturing the... uh, Garou. With a silvery whip." Drove 'em full mad, like a youngling and fire. I couldn't even get 'em to tell me a thing. #06* Rolf cracks his knuckles, adding, "Victoria knocked him out, and I made sure he wasn't gettin' up again, but that probably don't fix it." #06* Eliana nods. "What did they look like, and how did they act, when they weren’t being tortured? Did you see?" #06* Moriel looks away during this recitation, face tightening. #06* Rolf nods and replies, "Like I said... snapping, snarling, mad. The ones that were in cages, anyway." The ones in the city weren't bein' tortured and were doin' guard stuff. Victoria said it's the kinda thing they have to keep beatin' back into 'em. #06* Cosimo nods, stroking his chin thoughtfully. #06* Rolf tilts his head slightly and adds, "I mean, I didn't see any of 'em gettin' tortured, 'cause Victoria and the guy'd already taken each other to the floor, but they were scarrin' just fine." #06* Eliana nods, and she folds her arms, thinking. This turns into her pacing and thinking, and eventually walking away from the rest of the group, still thinking. #06* Rolf looks around at everyone and says, "I didn't get to see too much, I mainly flew in, looked around for a little bit, then dragged Victoria out when I heard people comin'." #06* Moriel watches Eliana pace for a few moments, then glances back to Rolf. "It's good you killed the torturer. Even if they'll likely just replace him." #06* Rolf 's face tightens and he nods slightly. "Good you agree. Prefer a stand up fight, but if you ain't givin', you don't get one either." #06* Moriel nods shortly. #06* Eliana returns after some time. "They're clearly employing some sort of ritual, and they need to torture the garou in order to get them to submit, at least initially. I am uncertain if stopping the torture would eventually return them to their senses..." She trails off for a moment, then resumes: "Regardless, the ritual mimics domination." #01 It is not one I'm familiar with, so I couldn't say from what it originated, but I can say with some certainty that my clan is capable of creating a counter ritual, given enough time for study and research. Exposure would be beneficial as well, of course. strange that they use a ritual rather than the discipline itself... unless it is ineffective #06* Rolf scratches his head. "Maybe they just ain't got enough people who are good at it." I mean, people are busy. Can ya really sit a bunch of people down and guard the guard dogs? if you have taken so much care to keep yourself hidden, and to build such a city, i would tend to think you can #06* Eliana raises an eyebrow. "I rather think that's what their torturers are for." #06* Moriel glances at Eliana and asks quietly, "Exposure to what? The ensorcelled garou or the ritual itself?" #06* Rolf squints a bit, then shrugs. "I was just thinkin' 'bout why you'd do it. Ya make tools so people can do things faster." #06* Eliana tries not to sound annoyed, but her voice is clipped, so she's certainly not perfect at it. "Anything. More information is naturally better than less." #06* Moriel says softly, "Ah. Your pardon." And looks down. "Perhaps an expedition with more Tremere should be organized, then. Before spring." Though that would be up to the prince. #01 Perhaps, yes. I will inform my clan of the possibility, if you could report tomorrow night? #01 And if they're amenable, perhaps I could attend. #06* Rolf shakes his head slightly at that, then says, "I'll worry 'bout that when it happens. I should probably go, uh, check my writin' ink ain't dried." #06* Moriel nods, then glances at Rolf. "I have some, if you need." <@Dreol> [After Rolf delivers the report to Mithras, Mithras does not respond for a number of days, and then a week after the report was sent, five large men are seen walking through the streets of London towards the cavern that leads into Mithras' court. Mithras, himself, flanked by 3 kindred on both sides steps forward and comes face to face with the largest of the men, who growls and then, once out of sight of humans, transforms into a giant nine-foot hybrid human/wolf. Mithras does not not flinch at the transformation, simply standing inches away from the face of the massive garou. After several minutes the garou shifts back to his large human form and shrugs. "What do you wish from us Wyrmkin?" Mithras motions for the werewolves to follow him into the cavern, and enters himself.] #06* Eliana raises an eyebrow from where she's standing - a safe distance away - as the lot of them enter the cavern. "It was very polite of him to inform others," she remarks quietly to whatever PC happens to be standing nearby. #06* Moriel is standing nearby! As he usually is. #06* Cosimo watches with some interest, though he doesn't show it beneath his hood #06* Moriel tilts his head, considering. After a moment he responds quietly, "Perhaps he didn't know when or where they would arrive. Garou are not usually much inclined to answer the whims of Kindred, after all." #01 A word of warning would still have been useful. #06* Moriel shrugs. "Yes." #06* Eliana just frowns. <@Dreol> [Once you all enter the court, you notice that there are several kindred entering the room with you. Some of every clan in London, really, and at the front of the room is Mithras and the small group of werewolves. One of the werewolves speaks up. "I am Lorcan of the Fianna tribe. What do you wish of us?" Mithras nods. "I understand you are marching on the city called New Carthage. I know our people do not often work together; however, we have a common enemy. I will share what we have learned if you do the same." Lorcan nods and motions for Mithras to continue. Mithras shrugs. "We have discovered a massive city underground where several Garou, is it? Are enslaved by the group of kindred that were are at war with. We know there are more kindred in that city than we anticipated, and we know that the city is led by an ancient of our kind named Troile and her lover Moloch."] #06* Cosimo spits at the mention of Moloch. <@Dreol> [The Garou shakes his head. "That is untrue. We know from our own spies that the one you call Moloch has not been found. The wyrmkin in the city Carthage are searching for him." Mithras seems intrigued and motions for Lorcan to continue, which he does. "They have agents on the continent searching for his tomb." Mithras nods and pauses for a moment in thought.] #06* Cosimo spits again when the name is mentioned, but listens intently. <@Dreol> [Mithras turns towards Lorcan. "Perhaps we can work together more easily than I thought. You launch your attack on Carthage, meanwhile, I will send a force to find Moloch and stop the Carthaginians from getting to him first. Lorcan shrugs. "This does not change our plans. You may do what you wish, Wyrmkin, just do not get in our way." Mithras nods, and Lorcan simply turns and walks out, followed by his companions.] #06* Cosimo again spits spitefully when the name is spoken. #06* Eliana glances at Cosimo and all of the spitting. #06* Cosimo catches sight of Eliana. he signs. #06* Eliana tilts her head, then signs back: #06* Cosimo smiles. <@Dreol> [One of the elder Assamites stands, furrows his brow and walks towards Mithras. "The Baali have long been a bane to our kind, while we are opposed to this particular alliance, perhaps we would be willing to help with this task, Prince Mithras." Mithras shrugs. "Perhaps. What do you suggest." The Assamite looks behind him at the other Assamites, including Cosimo. "We will share our knowledge on the Baali with you, and we will be willing to aide you in this task." Mithras nods. "We will need to put together a team to seak out Moloch. I will work with the Assamites to find the most likely locations, and then this Spring, while the wolves go to war with Carthage, we will send these teams across the water to begin to search for Moloch... One of these teams should be led by Rolf, who discovered Carthage initially. Rolf, you may take some time to find your team. We will need small groups of, at most, six kindred, as they will need to be very mobile."] #06* Cosimo spits again, as before, as you do. #01 #06* Rolf nods slowly and says, "Right... people who don't mind being away for a while." #06* Eliana glances at the scene before them, and Rolf's statement, before she offers Cosimo a small smirk. #06* Cosimo smiles as he laughs softly to himself. #06* Eliana then signs, more seriously, #06* Eliana nods. <@Dreol> [Mithras nods to Rolf and then goes about talking to a few other Kindred, who are, apparently, also forming groups.] #06* Eliana looks at Rolf expectantly. Your move, Rolfy Boy! #06* Rolf tromps over to Eliana and says, with a faint smile, "I, uh, figure you might be in my group again, with Victoria... yeah?" #06* Eliana nods. "Certainly. Who else are you considering asking?" #06* Rolf shrugs and gestures about. "The five of us and Victoria, if they don't mind the travel, anyways." He scratches his head a moment. #06* That seems wise. We work well together. #06* Rolf smiles a bit wanly before saying, "Ah, right... well, if everyone agrees, anyway. We'll find out." #06* Eliana raises an eyebrow. "Do you want me to go with you when you ask?" #06* Rolf blinks, then snorts. "I wouldn'tve asked if I didn't think you should come along." #06* Moriel says quietly from where he was listening a little ways away, "I'll come." #06* Eliana rolls her eyes. "No. I meant-" And Moriel interrupts. "There's one." #06* Rolf nods a little, pauses a moment, then says with a slight smile, "A company leader, and it only took my lifetime and once more beyond it. Although it ain't a company of knights." #06* Eliana actually smiles a touch. "Better than nothing." She waves Cosimo over. #06* Cosimo nods and approaches. <@Dreol> [Cosimo, Moriel, Eliana and Rolf are now standing in the same place, and the assamites nod at Cosimo and go to talk to Mithras.] #06* Rolf looks to Cosimo once he's perceptable and not hiding behind a bunch of other assns, "So, uh, you goin' with all them?" if you have need of me, i am sure they would not mind my absence #06* Rolf nods and says, "Like, uh, Eliana said, we work well together, so if you would." #06* Cosimo nods. "of course. you may count on me" #06* Eliana nods to Cosimo once, and then speaks to Rolf, more quietly: "We have developed a silent language, spoken with gestures. If you like, we could attempt to teach it to you before Spring arrives." #06* Rolf tilts his head slightly, then says, "Ah, that explains why you got twitchy recently. Uh, sure, if we're going to keep having to sneak along, some hand signs'd be good. S'long as everyone can see'em at night, anyway." A grin comes over him. #06* Eliana raises an eyebrow. "I assure you, that should not be a problem. Do you consider it prudent to teach Thalaba and Victoria, as well?" #06* Rolf nods a little and says, "Yeah." #06* Cosimo watches Rolf's reactions closely. #01 Very well. <@Dreol> [Session Endlike]