[As soon as Eliana enters the stone, she is transported into a dark, circular, stone room. She is surrounded by other people, likely vampires. There are about eight of them in total. And it is clearly a kind of prison. On the wall is written some sort of equation. To Eliana it looks like a mess of numbers and letters. She just can't make out any of it. On the far side of the room is a metal door with a hatch that slides open. There is a male voice coming from the other side of the door. He says "If you solve the riddle you can leave." One of the other prisoners stands up, walks over to the wall... pauses for a few moments and then nods. "Aha! Well that's not so hard." And walks over to the door. The hatch opens, the prisoner whispers something and then the door opens for a brief moment to let him out. Normally, Eliana would probably be quick enough to get out the door, but she feels drained, as if she were human again... actually even weak for a human. In turn each of the other prisoners get up, and go to the wall and shrug and walk out, but try as she might, Eliana is completely confounded by this riddle. It just looks like gibberish.] #06* Eliana frowns, trying to read. When that fails, she glances at her own hand. Is it still incorporeal? Is she even holding the mirror shard? [No. She seems completely corporeal and she has no items with her.] #06* Eliana starts, reaching for her bag, but that's missing, too. She pushes up her sleeves checking her wrists - also missing. "What...?" she asks, in Italian, and tries to focus on a guard. #06* Eliana asks, in Latin, "Why am I here?" [There is no answer, but after a few minutes her skin begins to feel like it is burning.] #06* Eliana hisses, and she scrambles, removing her clothes and trying to figure out where the fuck the fire is coming from. Acid? Maybe it's acid. [There is no acid. Her skin is still burning. It feels hotter now.] #06* Eliana moves scrambles away from her location and towards the equation, hoping that would help. She glances at the other prisoners. [All of the other prisoners have figured out the riddle. And Eliana is now in so much pain that she is having trouble seeing clearly. Things are starting to distort and blur.] #06* Eliana squints at the equation, trying to ignore the tears coming to her eyes - and they're real tears, not blood. No... it's just math, it's *just* math. "It's JUST MATH," she says out loud, "any IDIOT can figure this- I can't-" She shakes her head, focusing again, and then runs for the door. [And see main channel.]