<@Dreol> [London, July 15th 1261, 1:00 AM] <@Dreol> [You have all arrived back on London's shores after your journey, with Anstace in tow. In accordance with custom, you have gone to report back to Mithras at court. As you enter the immense hidden cavern, you see that it is mostly empty. The only occupants are Mithras himself, seated on his usual throne on the raised stage in the back of the room, and a couple servants. Mithras' gaze shifts quickly to you as you enter, he pauses for a great while on Anstace, before looking to Rolf. "What have you to report?"] <@Dreol> [Begin.] 06* Moriel bows, like you do, and then stands there quietly while Rolf reports. 06* Anstace notices Moriel bowing and curtseys as she was taught. 06* Eliana bows even though she taught Anstace to curtsey. Figures. 06* Eliana , for the record, is now wearing scholar's robes: so mild crossdressing with the long sleeves and all. It's a bit less practical than the peasant garb she'd been wearing since Anstace met her, but far more so than that formal monstrosity of a dress that Anstace was not- quite-forced into at the Court of Love. 06* Rolf has to report! Uh. It's quite a summary. "Well, uh, Prince, with the help of the Court of Love, we went to Carthage, found someone buried there, and then due to what we found there, got a new lead on where we need go next." <@Dreol> [Mithras nods and shrugs. "And who is this?" He looks to Anstace.] She's the someone who was buried there. Anstace, Prince Mithras. 06* Anstace squirms in her Matriarch Salianna-provided attire, since it is all she presently has. Tonight, it is the light blue one, because she decided she needed a change. She watches the interplay between the players with mild interest. 06* Eliana turns to Anstace and says, in Greek, "" She gestures to the wampyr with one hand. 06* Anstace looks to Eliana and then back at Mithras. She curtseys again to him. <@Dreol> [Mithras nods, his gaze not shifting from Anstace and speaks in ancient Phoenician ""] 06* Eliana focuses on Mithras, and upon hearing his words, she frowns slightly. 03* Alasse is now known as Bella 06* Moriel blinks as the conversation switches to a language he doesn't understand, but then goes back to simply waiting quietly. 06* Anstace 's eyes widen imperceptibly at Mithras's words. She replies in ancient Phoenician, "" <@Dreol> [Mithras nods. ""] 06* Anstace nods. "" 06* Anstace squirms. <@Dreol> [Mithras nods and changes to Latin. ""] 06* Eliana 's arms are folded, but she relaxes a touch when the conversation switches to a language she recognizes. 06* Anstace shakes her head slightly, also switching to Latin. "" 06* Anstace straightens slightly in the dress that binds her (because that is one of the few things it will allow her to do). "" she continues in Latin, "" <@Dreol> [Mithras nods, and a smirk plays at the edge of his lips. ""] <@Dreol> [He shakes his head. ""] 06* Anstace does not bat an eye. "" <@Dreol> [Mithras chuckles. ""] 06* Anstace curtseys. "" <@Dreol> [Mithras nods and motions for you to excuse yourselves.] 06* Eliana nods at Mithras, follows that with another brief bow, and is so out of there. She doesn't seem to like being in his presence overly much. 06* Moriel bows again and walks out, already deep in thought by the looks of him. <@Dreol> [London, December 12th 1261, 6:00 PM] <@Dreol> [It has been roughly five months since your return to London, and Mithras has sent word to you all a few weeks ago that tonight is the night that he expects you to continue your investigation north. You presumably have arranged for a meeting location before departing.] <@Dreol> [Continue!] 06* Moriel arrives at the farmhouse dressed to travel, which is to say, in a slightly sturdier version of his usual plain black clothing, with a satchel slung across his back. He's also carrying a coil of rope, because he remembers what the climb up that mountain was like last time. 01 [There is no longer any evidence that the farmhouse was once abandoned. It's now well kept, even in the winter months. Some smoke rises from the chimney, and flickering firelight can be seen between the shutters over its windows. Eliana, herself, is stepping out of the front door just in time.] 06* Moriel gives Eliana a nod-almost-bow and a slight smile as she emerges. "Good evening, Eliana Casale." 06* Anstace is there at precisely the appointed time. not early; not late. she is wearing scholarly robes which have been modified with some ancient greek touches to allow her flexibility and movement. over this, she has a hooded cloak, though the hood is down and her long loose braid hangs down her back and over a spartan-style shield. she is carrying a spear. 06* Eliana closes the door behind herself and nods to Moriel, adjusting the satchel over one shoulder. She's dressed to travel like she typically does, now: heavy peasant clothes, gloves, and a hooded cloak. "Moriel MacRae," she says, looking him over. "Good evening." 06* Eliana moves her gaze over to Anstace and smirks. "Anstace. I see you managed more suitable wear." 06* Moriel turns to greet Anstace as well as she arrives, taking in her attire without a blink. 06* Anstace nods. "indeed" 06* Rolf arrives at the farmhouse right about now with a gaggle of horsen attached to a carriage, and a jaunty cap well suited to his job as 'guy who doesn't scare horses', even if it's not in a good state and doesn't really suit his head. He looks over the gathering of people and says, "The little lady not seein' ya off, Eliana?" 06* Eliana smiles a touch at Rolf's words. "She'll doubtless be out in a moment." <@Dreol> [Victoria shows up a bit later, wearing flexible leather armor over a tan tunic. Her hair is wild and untamed, like usual, and creates a kind of mane around her face. She smirks and leans against the carriage. "So, we're off on another crazy adventure? This should be fun. You guys have been to see this woman before, I hear?"] 06* Moriel nods at Victoria. "Yes. She is...eccentric." no. 01 To put it mildly. but apparently the others have 01 [Right about now, the door opens and out steps a beautiful young woman in her late teens: flawless skin, hazelnut hair in a thick braid, and green, green eyes. She's wearing a peasant tunic and is carrying a bundle. "" she calls in English, "" And then she sees the others and stops, eyes wide. Heavens only knows how Eliana's managed to keep the Toreador away from her.] 01 [The pause only lasts a few seconds before her face lights in a smile. "" She looks at Victoria and Anstace, then Eliana.] 06* Moriel smiles at Jill. "" 06* Rolf looks down at the woman with a big smile from underneath his slightly ill-fitting cap. He tips it slightly at her. 06* Eliana looks at Jill, then the others. "" She indicates each one, and Jill curtseys as best she can without a skirt and her hands full. It's tricky, but she kind of manages it. 06* Anstace looks at the girl and nods acknowledgement as she is introduced. "" <@Dreol> [Victoria nods to Jill. "<'evening.>"] 01 ["" Jill says, politely, before turning back to Eliana. ""] 06* Eliana blinks and raises one gloved hand to self-consciously touch the ends of her hair before dropping it and taking the bundle. "" 01 [Jill smiles, then turns to the others. "" she says. ""] 06* Rolf grins toothily and replies, "Alright, everyone, get in." He gestures at the carriage. <@Dreol> [Belit-Sheri's Tower, December 19th 1261, 7:00 PM] <@Dreol> [You arrive at the top of the mountain where you found the tower before, but this time, there is nothing but a collapsed pile of stones. In front of that pile of stones is a cloaked and hooded figure. It is clearly a woman, but you cannot see her face.] <@Dreol> [Continue!] 06* Moriel takes in the rubble of Belit-Sheri's tower and eyes the woman standing in front of it somewhat warily. 06* Rolf exhales slowly and then says, lowly, "Looks like somethin' happened to your house." Lotta rocks. 06* Eliana scowls at the woman and removes her right glove. She doesn't get any closer than ten or so feet. 06* Anstace eyes the surroundings and then the hooded figure. from the reaction of her associates, something is amiss, especially since there was, at least at some point in time, a tower on this site. <@Dreol> [The woman speaks up in Latin. He voice is both beautiful to listen to and commanding. ""] 06* Eliana narrows her eyes and responds in her own clipped Latin: "" <@Dreol> [She shakes her head. ""] 06* Rolf walks up to the person, saying, "We've met her before." <@Dreol> [The woman nods. "" She turns to face Anstace and nods. ""] 06* Moriel continues to watch the woman carefully. After a moment he murmurs, "" <@Dreol> [The woman nods. "" She pulls her hood back to reveal the same beautiful woman that some of you saw in court early this year. And Anstace has a much better idea of who she is.] 06* Rolf stands there, staring a bit dumbly. His name Rolf. 06* Moriel blinks at her. He's instantly grateful to have seen her before, so he doesn't experience the five minutes of blackout he did that first time. "" 06* Eliana blinks, then represses a sigh and tugs her glove back on. She glances at Rolf and his stare and starts the mental clock. For science, purely, of course. 06* Anstace looks at the woman with a slight hint of recognition. "" 06* Moriel realizes Rolf is doing the blank stare thing. Oh dear. He glances back at the woman. "<...and do you know if there is any way to awaken him quickly?>" <@Dreol> [The woman smiles. ""] 06* Moriel sighs. "" Oh well. He settles himself to wait for the time it will take Rolf to come back to himself. <@Dreol> [Helena shrugs and says in a commanding voice. ""] 06* Rolf starts and then shakes his head. "Uh... yes. Hi, uh, Helena." He scratches the back of his head. 06* Moriel blinks. "" 06* Moriel waves a hand down the mountain. "" 06* Anstace shakes her head. "" <@Dreol> [Helena tilts her head. ""] 06* Moriel glances between Anstace and Helena, eyebrows rising. 06* Eliana raises an eyebrow of her own and seems to be appraising Helen a second time. <@Dreol> [Helena shrugs. "" She smiles... "" She walks north.] <@Dreol> [Session End]