[London, July 25th 1261, 1:00 AM] [Mithras has put Anstace up in his manor in the north of London for some time now. Last night, he sent a messenger there to inform her that he will be arriving the following night and will be holding court there to make an announcement regarding her. She should be dressed appropriately.] [He should be arriving shortly.] [Begin.] 06* Anstace received the messenger and the news rather flatly. being dressed in appropriate attire usually meant being moderately uncomfortable, and that was with some sympathetic(?) benevolence on the part of Eliana. No, tonight it meant being bound tightly by a servant. 06* Anstace endured the process of being compressed into the light blue dress that Matriarch Salianna had given her, and had waited patiently, though completely silent as the servant had assisted her with her hair and other ritualized adorning. it took an agonizing 5,429 seconds. apparently longer than it should of due to her shifting uncomfortably and squirming, according to the servant [Around 2 AM Mithras' caravan appears out the window. He is seated in a carriage and behind him rides no less than a dozen horsemen, and behind them are around fifteen other vampires on foot. All are dressed in their finest attire. Once Mithras' carriage arrives at the stables, he exits it and walks into the manor, heading directly towards the great room where he once held court. The entourage follows.] 06* Anstace turns away from the window and focuses again on her attending servant, who has not stopped a 531 second, adoration-filled babble about how the dress looked on her. "i need to go to the great hall now," she says coolly, cutting the servant off in mid-word. 06* Anstace squirms uncomfortably as she listens to another few comments from her attendant and then just walks out and makes her way to the great hall. she makes her way carefully down the stairs, following all of the directions that Eliana gave her to make moving around a little less awkward (and dangerous). [As Anstace enters the great hall, she sees Mithras standing on the stage in front of a full room of vampires. He motions to Anstace as she enters and begins to speak Latin in a commanding voice. "This is Anstace, a newcomer to our city and a reminder that we are not the first to be attacked and fractured by Troile. Come, Anstace, join me on stage."] 06* Anstace looks at Mithras as he speaks, squirming uncomfortably one last time before the collective gaze of the throng turns to look upon her. when the crowd parts, she begins to walk slowly, purposefully (and carefully) towards the stage, her eyes fixated on Mithras at the stage the entire time. 06* Anstace reaches the stage and curtseys to Mithras before making her way up to join him. [Mithras nods and places a hand on Anstace's shoulder as she gets up on stage. "You see, Anstace is from the original line of Brujah. One of the few remaining. The Carthaginians will certainly be seeking her out in an attempt to destroy her lineage. As such, she will be under the protection of all of us who are allied here. She is a symbol of what we fight for and what we fight against. And she is a symbol of our mistakes. We trusted Troile's line, some of whom are here today, because they recognize the fault of their progenitor. We must atone for that mistake and we can begin by welcoming Anstace into our alliance. I hereby grant Anstace the title of "the Winter Rose." And like a rose in winter, she is in constant danger, and in need of protection, but beautiful in her rarity and transience. She is a representation of our struggle against those who have turned on us. And you will all fight for her, just as you fight for that struggle."] 06* Anstace looks up at Mithras stoically as he speaks. [Once Mithras is done, everyone applauds appropriately and Mithras nods to Anstace. "Feel free to enjoy the festivities." He nods to Anstace to let her know that she can step down now and goes back to sitting at his chair.] 06* Anstace nods appreciatively, adding softly in Phoenician, "" she smiles ever so slightly, curtseys and then steps down from the stage. [There are several vampires who are willing to talk to Anstace, in fact, anyone pretty much. One of the servants comes by and hands Anstace a slender gold goblet filled with blood. There are a number of tougher looking, warrior-like vampires in the corner. The more social, courtly kindred are nearer to the stage and at one table are a few kindred in scholars robes talking in whispers.] 06* Anstace decides to mingle, starting with the more scholarly kindred first as they are the closest. [One of them looks up at her, a man, apparently in his mid- thirties in dark blue scholar's robes and short, neatly combed dark hair. He bows his head slightly and addresses her in Latin: "Miss Anstace... An honor to meet you."] 06* Anstace nods to the man. "you have me at a disadvantage. you know me, but i do not know you" [The man nods. "My apologies. I am Cyril of the clan Tremere."] 06* Anstace looks at him. "and now we've met. though i do not know your clan. which side were you on during the siege of Carthage?" [Cyril smiles and shakes his head. "We did not exist as a clan then, I am afraid. We are what you might call... new blood."] i see. or rather i do not, though i suppose just as governments can faction, so can blood [Cyril nods. "So, what may I do for you, Miss Anstace?"] 06* Anstace takes a sip from her drink. "i was merely making conversation. i have been out of society for some time. there are new players and, apparently, bloodlines such as yours." [He nods. "Yes. A lot has changed. How long have you been in Torpor?"] two thousand eight hundred and fourteen solstices [Cyril nods. "That is quite a long time. Would you care to have a seat. I would be happy to answer any questions you may have, as, I am sure, would any kindred here."] 06* Anstace nods and walks towards a seat. "any questions? or just the ones that you can or care to answer?" she carefully sits down as Eliana had shown her, managing to finally make it look natural and not something she has to consciously remind herself to do. [Cyril shrugs. "Well... obviously I can only answer what I am able... But I could perhaps point you in the direction of a kindred who would be more capable of answering what I cannot."] that is fair one of your clan was among the ones who brought me back, correct? [Cyril thinks for a moment and nods. "Ah yes... Eliana. She was with the group who found you, as I recall."] 06* Anstace nods. "yes. that is her name." she squirms slightly, no longer able to refrain from doing so. [He nods. "And how was your journey to our fair city?"] it was uneventful. despite my expectations. 06* Anstace looks at Cyril closely as she takes another sip from her drink. "Cyril... your conversational skills are noted, however you can imagine that there would be many questions i would have. the most obvious relate to how things have changed." she lowers the vessel, holding it in her lap. "but i am aware of how much time remains between now and the dawn, and such recounting would, by necessity, 06* Anstace take far longer." [Cyril nods. "Perhaps, I can send someone to deliver some history books and scrolls to you. We have an extensive library, and while most of it is restricted for clan use only, some of the texts can be lended to those outside the clan, with permission."] a library, you say? perhaps we could trade information then. [Cyril nods. "Yes. Perhaps... I will discuss it with my clan elder and send a messenger tomorrow night."] that would be acceptable. i have perused the shelves of the library of Alexandria and tended to the library of Carthage. i would like to know more of your collection [Cyril nods. "Sounds fine."] [And Anstace can continue to talk to Cyril, or anyone else at the party, because they are all willing to talk.] [Session End]