[It has been a few weeks since Anstace was invited to Mithras' court to announce that she was a symbol of the Masquerade and is granted the title of "the Winter Rose." This is a pretty big deal politically, and as Anstace is currently no where to be found, presumably doing research or political thingies, maybe Eliana decided to have a gathering to discuss current events?] [Begin.] 06* Moriel is pretty fuzzy on current events, actually. At least, anything after the last time he saw the others. He's just here to pick up a couple books on medicine Eliana had promised him. He taps lightly on the front door of the farmhouse. 01 [The door opens, and Eliana is on the other side! She's not even wearing a hood, though she is wearing gloves. "Moriel MacRae. Good evening," she says, stepping aside to let him in.] 01 (Oh, I stole brackets for no reason.) (So we see!) 06* Moriel gives her a faint smile, mostly visible in the lightening of his eyes. "Good evening, Eliana Casale." And he steps inside. "Have you had any luck with your research yet?" 01 Nothing significant. Pity. Though you haven't had much time yet. 06* Eliana closes the door behind Moriel. "There are accounts of techniques similar to the ones we witnessed in New Carthage from thousands of years ago, but those are legends and frustratingly vague." She walks towards the sitting room, gesturing for Moriel to follow. 06* Moriel nods and walks after her, listening. 01 They primarily originate in the Orient and Africa. It isn't much to go on. 01 [The sitting room is just as comfortable as the last time Moriel was there. Jill takes good care of her place. There's even a small fire going, providing light, although Ms. Leftherder is nowhere to be found; she may be asleep or out.] 06* Moriel tilts his head. "Mm. Troile might remember many techniques since lost to time, I suppose." I would not have thought her terribly interested in such rituals, but...*he shrugs*...it's not as if I know much about her, really. 06* Eliana frowns. "Yes." She indicates a chair before walking off to another area of the house, probably to fetch Moriel's texts. 03* Mechalink is now known as Rolf 06* Rolf 's big meaty fist can be found pressed ever so lovingly against the farm door. Repeatedly. The sound echoes. 06* Moriel was about to take a seat, but he jumps at that. He looks at the front door, then in the direction Eliana went, then back at the front door. Nothing for it. He walks over and opens up before Rolf knocks the house down. 06* Moriel blinks up at the giant wampyr in the doorway. "Good evening, Master Rolf." 06* Rolf is not a wolf when the door is answered, so the house is probably safe. He nods down at Moriel. "Moriel. Not out with the new winter rose?" 06* Moriel blinks more. "Pardon?" Nevertheless, he steps aside automatically to let Rolf in, then shuts the door behind him. 06* Rolf steps in and rubs his neck, then says, "Anstace... she got a title from the prince or somethin." He looks down at Moriel. "S'what I heard." 06* Eliana comes walking back right about now, carrying two tomes and taking brisk steps... and stops when she sees the big, hairy Gangrel. "Rolf. Good evening." I hadn't really spoken to anyone since we parted..."Winter Rose"? 06* Eliana ahs. "Anstace's new title, yes." 06* Moriel looks from one of them to the other, waiting for someone to explain this to him. 06* Rolf shrugs and raises his hands in protest. "Don't look at me, I'd bet Mithras ain't ever seen a winter rose. Hell, it ain't even winter." 06* Eliana rolls her eyes. "He's using her as a 'symbol of the Masquerade'." She hands the books to Moriel before turning and heading back to the sittimg room. 06* Moriel takes the books and follows Eliana, still looking rather bewildered. "Why?" 'cause she's old. You know them high clan types. If Carthage weren't so bloodthirsty, they'd probably be throwin' parties with them right now. 06* Moriel takes a moment to parse that, then sighs. "I suppose if she's beholden to him, she's less likely to go off and cause trouble somehow. Though she doesn't seem much like a troublemaker." 06* Eliana snorts at Rolf's words. "Likely true." She stops in front of one of the chairs and looks back. 01 Anstace is a True Brujah, from the original bloodline. The kindred we currently think of as Brujah tried to destroy all of them. 01 And Troile created that line. 06* Moriel takes a seat, since it seems to be expected, and listens. Yes, but is that very widely known now? 06* Eliana smirks. "To an extent. I understand Prince Mithras more or less announced the basics." 06* Moriel hehs. "That would help," he says wryly. 06* Eliana nods once. 01 As such, he is probably using her as a reminder of the Brujah's brutality. 06* Rolf nods slowly, then says, "A rare survivor. Guess that makes sense." 06* Moriel tilts his head, looking vaguely troubled. "Yes. But...it cannot be pleasant, being made into that symbol." 01 Unlikely, although the political benefits are doubtless significant. 06* Eliana sits as well, smoothing her robes. Hm. Yes. I hope they are worth the price, for her. 06* Eliana smirks. "Unlikely," she says to that, too. 06* Rolf doesn't sit down, because he doesn't want Jill to have to sweep up the wreckage. "Don't know, just bein' one of the head Gangrel for 'im is enough of a pain." 06* Moriel grimaces, but he pretty clearly agrees. 06* Eliana nods. (They don't have that operation yet. Probably. Unless the Tremere have cooked something up.) 01 At the least, my clan is providing Anstace with information from our libraries. She has a lot to learn. 06* Moriel nods. "Good." Do either of you know if Prince Mithras has provided her a haven yet? 06* Rolf rolls his eyes a little, then crouches down to all of their eye level. "It ain't like he has to. She's a grown woman." 06* Moriel shrugs. "No, but he said he would." 06* Eliana eyebrow raises at Rolf. "Has to what?" Provide her a haven. 06* Eliana ahs. 01 I would be surprised if he hasn't. He is turning her into a symbol; the least he can do is take care of his resources. 06* Rolf shrugs a little, picks at the floor a moment, then says, "Whatever he wants." 06* Moriel eye-crinkles. "My apologies. That was poorly phrased. I meant to ask if either of you knew where I might find her, but I would guess the answer is no." 06* Eliana shakes her head. "I can discover her location." 01 Quite easily, I'm sure; my clan has been trading information with her regularly. 06* Moriel nods, thinking. 01 Would you like me to do so? Yes, please. If you wouldn't mind. 01 Minimally. 06* Moriel 's lips quirk. "Thank you." 06* Eliana nods to Moriel, then looks at Rolf. "How about you? Interested in socializing with the Winter Rose?" 06* Rolf snorts slightly, then says, "She's nice and all, but, uh, we ain't got anything to talk about." 06* Moriel grimaces at that description, but doesn't interrupt. 06* Moriel says wryly, " 'Nice' is not how I would have described her." 06* Rolf looks over at Moriel, then says, "When a bunch of Gangrel meet, there's always blood on the ground. She? I'll give her 'nice' for now." ...I see. Fair enough. 06* Eliana snerks. "Clan meetings must be great fun." 06* Rolf chuckles a little, growling in his throat. He lets that growl stick for a long moment, then lets it trail off. "They got their good side and their bad side." 06* Eliana nods. "As does everything, really." 01 I've gotten along well enough with most Gangrel I've come across since arriving at London, though. It is not... quite what I would have expected, before. 06* Moriel blinks at that, but decides not to ask. 06* Rolf snorts. "We know how to wipe our feet, Eliana." 06* Moriel *also* doesn't respond to that. Keeping his mouth shut, yep. 06* Eliana rolls her eyes. "Of course, or you would be tracking blood everywhere." 06* Rolf snorts again, but doesn't reply to that statement. After a moment he scratches his neck again and says, "Just sayin', Eliana... Gangrel're just like anyone else. Happy 'till they ain't." 06* Eliana shakes her head. Clearly she disagrees with that, at some level. [And Session End]