[London, September 23rd, 1261, a little before midnight] [A few weeks after he found out about the whole "Winter Rose" thing, Moriel got the location of Anstace's new haven through Eliana, and now he's on his way to see her. Anstace, that is, not Eliana. We'll see what happens!] [Begin.] * Moriel looks around, making sure he's in the right place, and then he raps lightly on Anstace's door. [A few moments later, a dark-haired woman who appears to be around twenty-six years old answers the door. "Good evening," she says (in French) upon seeing Moriel. ] * Moriel nods at her. "Good evening. I was hoping to speak to Mistress Anstace. My name is Moriel MacRae. Is she in?" [The woman smiles. "Of course, Master MacRae. Please, come in." She steps aside to let Moriel in. "I shall let the Mistress know that you are here, though I must warn you," the woman adds, frowning slightly. "She is not dressed to receive visitors."] * Moriel steps inside, blinking at that. "I can wait." [The woman closes the door behind him and leads him to a sitting room. "oh... well..." she offers, a slight note of disapproval starting to enter her voice. "you won't have to wait. she will likely just come to you."] * Moriel blinks some more, but sits. "Ah. I see. Thank you." ["Here you are, Master MacRae," she smiles. "I shall see if I can do something about that. Please make yourself at home. And if there is anything I can do for you, my name is Felicity. Just ask."] * Moriel nods at the woman - Felicity - again and settles in to wait. [Felicity curtseys slightly and then exits the room. a few minutes later, Moriel can hear Felicity's voice protesting in latin, "but Mistress... you cannot receive a man in this fashion! it is not proper!"] * Moriel is not unduly disturbed by this. After all, he already knows Anstace hates dresses, and it's not as if he's not used to seeing Eliana in men's clothes. * Anstace does not seem to listen, and a few moments later, enters the sitting room naked, followed by a still protesting Felicity ("Please, Mistress... at least put this on!") who seems to be carrying some sort of garment. * Anstace looks at Moriel. "good evening," she says in latin. "i was not expecting visitors. what may i do for you?" * Moriel looks up as they enter, and his face goes completely blank with shock. In the next instant, he bolts upright out of the chair - why exactly isn't clear, since he doesn't *go* anywhere, but it seems to be instinct - and claps his hands over his eyes. It's a good thing he can't blush any more, or he'd probably be scarlet. * Moriel takes a breath and tries to compose himself to answer. Without uncovering his eyes. This is awkward to say the least. "Ah...good evening, Mistress Anstace," he responds, also in Latin. "Are you in the habit of...going about undressed?" [Felicity looks at Moriel helplessly, sighs and then walks over to Anstace with the garment.] i do not understand your question * Moriel very carefully drops his hands, and even more carefully keeps his eyes on the floor. He still looks *extremely* uncomfortable. Also slightly confused, because he thought that was a simple question. "...do you usually not wear clothing?" * Anstace looks at herself. "is there something wrong?" * Moriel does not look up. Somehow, he manages to keep himself from stammering. Much. "Ah...was nudity commonplace, in your time?" [Felicity shakes her head. "Mistress. i beg of you." She holds out the clothing to Anstace.] yes. for both men and women * Anstace tilts her head regarding Moriel for a moment. "you do not approve of the human form, then." * Moriel looks at the floor some more. "Ah. That explains it." He clears his throat. "It is not disapproval. Nudity is not commonplace now. It is taboo, in fact. It will likely considerably hamper your interactions with others, and attract unpleasant attention if you go into public unclothed." * Anstace considers Moriel's words for a moment. she then looks at Felicity who is still holding out the garment and nodding encouragingly. "very well." she takes the chiton from Felicity and puts it on. [Felicity nods to Anstace and then looks at Moriel. "I am sorry Master MacRae."] i am clothed now. you do not need to avert your gaze any longer. * Moriel finally looks up. "Thank you," he says to Anstace, and then he blinks at Felicity. "...not at all." [Felicity curtseys and then takes her leave] * Moriel tilts his head at Anstace. He still seems uncertain, but no longer over her appearance. "My apologies," he adds after a moment. for what? My...disconcertion. It was not precisely polite. * Anstace regards Moriel for a moment. "you were uncomfortable." * Moriel shrugs. He still looks a little uncomfortable, truth be told, but it's just lingering effects now. "Even so." you were more bothered than i. but i accept this was not, however, why you came to see me this night * Moriel shakes his head. "No. I had heard from Eliana Casale and Master Rolf of the...title...conferred on you by Prince Mithras." He sighs, looking down at his hands. He finally seems to have relaxed from the last of his discomfort, though he still doesn't look happy. "It is not a position I would care to be in. I thought...I would see if I could help, in some way." * Anstace looks at the floor. "it is what my prince has decided" * Moriel looks back up at her and frowns. "That is not entirely the point." Pause. "It is not that I wish to aid you in circumventing the prince's decree. Merely in making it less...unpleasant." * Anstace does not look up. "he has indicated that it is for my safety" Of course. But, while you are being safe, what would you wish for? * Anstace looks to Moriel. "to not be a spectacle" * Moriel sighs. "That, I am afraid, I can do little about. Unless it were by teaching you to hide yourself, but I think our prince would object to that. At least, to your using it to avoid the attention of the court." * Anstace nods thoughtfully. "i know." but it is what my prince wishes, and so i must submit * Moriel spreads his hands. "Is there anything else I might do for you?" * Anstace gestures back to the chair that Moriel was seated in when she arrived, and then sits in the chair opposite. "i slept for five hundred thirteen thousand nine hundred and six nights before you and your friends found me. much has changed that i am not aware of." * Moriel sits back down, and nods. "Yes." i have not even mastered your language if you would be willing to help me learn what i have missed and practice my speaking, i would be willing to trade * Moriel smiles. "Certainly." And then he thinks a moment more. "Although...Eliana Casale is a greater scholar of languages than I. And I am certain she would be glad to trade knowledge of modern languages for ancient ones. History, however...I may exceed her at." * Anstace nods. "what you consider history and what i consider history are likely different," she says, the slightest hint of a smile at the edge of her eyes showing, though largely nobody would notice. * Moriel smiles again. "Likely. And it is a broad topic. I can certainly bring you books, though it might take me a little time to copy them...is there anything in particular you would like to know first?" you are a scribe then? ...I was once. as was i. briefly. in Alexandria. Cyril of the Tremere bloodline has also offered to bring me several books * Moriel tilts his head. "Hm. Yes. I expect the Tremere would be fascinated by you." everyone appears to be fascinated by me. i am a unique bauble in my prince's collection of treasures * Anstace looks down as she says this. * Moriel grimaces. "Yes. I am sorry for that. Though you would have been unique no matter where you went, and you might have been...collected." * Anstace looks back to Moriel. "am i not part of the collection now?" * Moriel nods. "Yes. I simply meant - it might well have happened elsewhere, even if you had not come to London." He sighs. * Anstace nods. "you said the Tremere would be fascinated in a way that makes me think you intended more than just that which i must now endure" * Moriel sits back a little. His face goes carefully closed as he considers his words. They come out slowly, as if he's testing each one before it leaves his mouth. "If you have had much commerce with them, you have no doubt noticed that the Tremere prize knowledge. You are potentially a tremendous source of knowledge now lost. And to which Clan Tremere might never have been privy, due to their origins." their clan did not exist in my in my time. Cyril indicated that they were a new clan, though he did not elaborate on where their bloodline originated from * Moriel mms and eyes Anstace a bit. "The Tremere appeared barely two centuries ago. They were originally a small group of human warlocks who somehow found a way to become Kindred." * Moriel pauses, frowning, then continues more slowly, "There are a great many rumors surrounding them, including a reputation for diablerie." i see * Moriel watches Anstace. "It would explain some of the strength of their clan, despite its small size, but...I do not know the truth of it for certain." Clan Tremere is far more unified than most, however, and they have continued their practice of magery as Kindred. They do possess a great deal of knowledge, but it is rare for them to share it. this was not the impression i received from Cyril though he did mention there were things that he could not share outside of his clan * Moriel shrugs. "Yes. The Tremere are careful of their secrets, but I do not imagine much of what you wish to know is secret. It is, after all, history." * Anstace nods. "Eliana is of Tremere. is she as guarded?" * Moriel says quietly, "I said the Tremere were a unified clan. There are consequences to defying the clan elders. Eliana Casale is...less bound by ordinary social mores than others. But it would take...much...for her to openly defy her clan." He stops, frowning, then shakes his head and continues in a more normal voice. "The Tremere are dangerous. But that does not mean they are dangerous to *you*. Merely that it is wise to be cautious of them." * Anstace thinks about what Moriel has said for a few moments, and then nods. "i see. thank you for your words of warning" i will be cautious in my exchanges of information * Moriel tilts his head, then nods. "Eliana Casale...is my friend, despite her clan. In truth, many fear my clan as well, yet she continues to associate with me. You can make up your own mind, about the clan as well as individual members of it." i have my guesses as to which clan you belong, but they are only guesses * Moriel blinks. "Ah, I apologize." Pause. "Clan Malkavian." * Anstace 's face does not change. "then i was correct." she tilts her head to the side, looking at Moriel as if making up her mind right then and there. "i have known other children of Malkav. i did not fear them. except in debates." * Moriel smiles a little. "I did not say that all feared us." * Anstace nods. "i do not presently see a reason to fear you, so i will not." her lips show only the slightest upturn of a smile, though only if you are close enough and were paying enough attention to the differences between not-smiling and smiling (most people think being that close is rude). to everyone else, she appears unchanged. * Moriel has Auspex, so can in fact see it. He smiles a bit more in return. while we are on the subject of clans, i have not seen any Salubri. did they side with Troile? * Moriel 's smile vanishes as he goes still. "No." Another pause as he tries to figure out how to explain this. "That...is another of the rumors concerning the Tremere. That their leader diablerized Saulot, and that is how they attained the status of a full clan." that is disturbing, if true Whether that is true or not...I do not know. But it is certainly true that the Tremere and the Salubri have been at war nearly since the Tremere first appeared, and that the Tremere have all but eradicated the Salubri. Those who still exist are deep in hiding. * Anstace nods. another clan who suffers as did mine. ...yes. * Anstace looks away. "i was once able to call one of their kind 'friend'. though likely he perished long ago. still..." i remember him * Moriel looks down at his hands, frowning unhappily. Then back up at Anstace. "I am sorry." * Anstace turns back to Moriel. "two thousand eight hundred fourteen solstices pass. i know this. i feel this. and yet, i also feel as if things that happened back then only just happened. this is unsettling." I can only imagine. * Anstace nods to Moriel. "perhaps" * Moriel is quiet, maybe trying to imagine what that would be like. * Anstace sits there for awhile as well, silently contemplating. * Anstace breaks the silence after exactly 82 seconds of reserved thoughtfulness had passed. "why would any mortal seek to be cursed by the gods?" * Moriel blinks. "Pardon?" the Tremere... Ah. * Moriel pauses a moment before he says quietly, "The promise of nigh-immortality is a potent temptation to some." i doubt it is as they expected it to be curses are like that * Moriel snorts. "Yes." * Anstace looks at Moriel with a deadpan expression and curious aura. * Moriel raises his eyebrows at Anstace. "I doubt they thought of it as a curse to begin with. Likely they do not even now, despite the...drawbacks. After all, they have the power they sought, and a greatly expanded span of years, if not true immortality." it still is, however, a curse * Moriel says softly, "Not all would agree." do you? * Moriel looks away. After a long moment he says carefully, "It is not what I would have chosen." * Anstace tilts her head and watches Moriel. "me either," she says softly. [End]