<@Dreol> [London, February 15th, 1262, 10:30 PM] <@Dreol> [Last time, Mithras askes all of the clans what their preferred direction is for the Masquerade to take. There was some division, as is to be expected, but many of the clans wanted to either pursue Kali's Fang or send a small group to do so. Mithras, therefore, decided to send the newly formed Order of the Black Rose to retrieve the fang. They are to journey to Hungary and spend some time in the court of Lord Jurgen, and then march on to Transylvania. Also, Demetria went into some sort of trance and revealed an ominous true prophecy. Now Mithras has asked the clans to decide where to send the rest of the forces. Do they march to the Vatican and try to stop Moloch's ritual, or do they attempt to push north and take the offensive in the war on Carthage. This is where you all are going to try to persuade the court to fall in line with your own goals.] <@Dreol> [Begin.] 06* Moriel is keeping quiet initially, listening to what other people say. 06* Eliana waits for wampyrs to start milling before she stands and makes a beeline for the Gangrel table. And Rolf. Really, mostly Rolf. 06* Anstace looks at the others at her table. "i do not believe you need my help in arguing for a march on New Carthage," she says flatly. "if you will excuse me, i have business elsewhere." she leaves the table and heads towards Demetria, mostly out of curiousity and to get a better look at her. 06* Rolf is a gangrel? And he has a sweet new cloak. He sees Eliana incoming and steps away juuuust slightly. He's also got a bit of a dopey grin on his face, because hey. Sweet cloak. 06* Eliana didn't have a grin, but at seeing Rolf's grin, her mouth quirks up. Just a little. "You seem pleased." 06* Rolf shrugs a little and says, "Veronica keeps sayin' I'm a leader or something. Well, now we've got a little order. You might not know it, but they're a growin' thing 'mongst the knightly sorts." (Victoria?) (Victoria.) 06* Eliana raises an eyebrow. "Something more along the lines of not caring, yes. I'm glad *someone* is pleased." Brief pause, then, "Victoria is not entirely incorrect. Did you help your clan decide to press for acquiring Kali's Fang?" 06* Rolf frowns a touch, then says, "Yeah. If it worked once, it might well work again." 06* Eliana nods. 01 What is your opinion? <@Dreol> [Demetria has just regained her composure and is once again sitting on the bench. Her hair and clothes are disheveled and she still looks a bit shaken up.] 06* Rolf shrugs and says, "I'll stand with the Gangrel, Eliana. But what we're hearing doesn't give the Lupines much time to go chasin' anything we don't need." 06* Anstace walks up to Demetria. "so. you are an oracle. from Delphi." 06* Moriel listens to the hum of conversation for a little while, his expression somewhere between thoughtful and concerned. Then he rises and goes to find Hann. <@Dreol> [Demetria is shaken from her thoughts and tilts her head to Anstace. "Yes, Dear. I am."] <@Dreol> [Hann is standing over in a corner. He was just talking to a Toreador, who has just walked away.] 06* Eliana nods, then says to Rolf, "I... shared your position. You know this. But the research Ian and I conducted, and the reports from my clan, garnered disturbing results." Yeah? <@Dreol> [Demetria moves some hair from her eyes. "The last one..."] 06* Moriel approaches Hann, tilting his head to look after the departing Toreador. "Good evening," he murmurs. "Was your recent conversation- mate trying to convince you of the need to move against Moloch?" 06* Anstace nods. "interesting. i visited Delphi once. it was enlightening." 06* Eliana frowns, then closes her eyes briefly. "'A cave with an altar of flesh and bone, surrounded by demons,'" she says, in accents very like Gravina's (which Rolf may recognize if he listened to the Tremere elder often enough). Her eyes open. "The ritual takes hundreds of years, and the rate of disappearances - likely innocents sacrificed to this altar - has gone up enough to be noticeable." <@Dreol> [Hann shrugs. "I was trying to convince her that it was more important to attack Carthage and save our own forces from further harm..." He sighs. "But she did not seem to agree... Maybe I wasn't passionate enough for her... That was probably it..."] from your words, i gather Apollo has been largely absent in this place ... and what's the end of this dark service? 01 The Great Beast. It's probably Lucifer, or some other demon of similar power. The ritual certainly requires enough. Fourth generation or more potent blood spilled. Corruption and profanity, over a large scale. Innocent souls, the more pure the greater the sacrifice. And all of this over centuries. 01 This ritual's never been *completed*, and the Tremere are loathe to see it actually come to fruition. 06* Moriel frowns. "I have come into more information since we last spoke. It seems, according to the Tremere's research, that Moloch's ritual is nearing completion. Demons are already entering this world. We could recover, and regroup, from lost forces. I do not think recovery from what Moloch might unleash would be so easy." <@Dreol> [Demetria shakes her head. "I have not heard from my lord in a millenium."] 06* Rolf frowns, scratching his head, then asks, "You all sure 'bout this?" <@Dreol> [Hann sighs... "I don't know how much I trust that research... Tremeres do have their own goals after all..." He sighs again. "But you share the opinion of most here, I am afraid... Perhaps we could at least convince Mithras to pull our forces back... But probably not. It's not like he's losing his clansmen in the process..."] 01 Certain enough to advise we abandon the certain threat and potential reward that New Carthage represents, yes. We estimate the lycanthropes can hold New Carthage back long enough for us to deal with Moloch. And if they don't... well, if Moloch succeeds, it will hardly matter. I trust the Tremere who told me. 06* Anstace frowns in her almost indetectable way. "i was concerned about this. Athena is probably just as distant. i have been told by one of your clan that our ways have passed. a pitty." <@Dreol> [Hann nods dejectedly. "Yes... I am sure you do... Oh well..."] <@Dreol> [Hann sighs. "I suppose you are right... It is a more immediate concern... I just am sad for our clansmen who will certainly be sacrificed for this..." He shakes his head... "But why should that change now?"] 06* Moriel shakes his head. "We can try to convince Prince Mithras to pull them back, as well. But this...I do not think we can afford to ignore Moloch." <@Dreol> [Demetria nods to Anstace... "New beliefs have come... a great and terrible emperor of Rome worked to rid the world of the old ways and enforce the new religion... I saw him coming, and yet I could not stop him... I see that you slept for a long time... Much hase passed in your absence. This troubles you greatly."] 06* Anstace nods. "much can happen in 2814 solstaces. few can feel how much time has passed, fewer still can understand" 06* Rolf frowns and says, "It sounds right, Eliana. But it ain't gonna be easy to convince people." <@Dreol> [Demetria nods. "Do not fear, Anstace. You will find your place here. In this quest to the east, you will discover more than just what you seek."] 06* Anstace tilts her head slightly to the side, considering these words. "thank you, oracle." 06* Eliana relaxes slightly, some of the rigidness in her stance melting away. It's subtle, but there. "No," she says to Rolf, "but if you're willing to speak to your clan about this, that will make convincing others that much easier." <@Dreol> [Demetria nods to Anstace. "It is my pleasure, daughter of Sparta. I wish you well... Come and see me if you ever need guidence."] 06* Anstace smiles a completely emotionless, stoical smile, which unless you were well-versed in 'The Many Faces of Stoicism' by Zeno of Citium, you probably wouldn't notice. i shall <@Dreol> [Hann nods to Moriel and then walks over and sits down at the Malkavian table.] 06* Moriel nods back and takes himself off as well, heading towards Eliana and Rolf. He eyes their postures as he approaches and nods good evening. "I think I have convinced my clan to change their position." He looks up at the other two with an inquiring expression. 06* Eliana nods to Moriel. "That's good to hear." She looks at Rolf. Well, Rolf? 06* Rolf looks down at the two of them, then says, "Gettin' everyone onboard to stop this ritual, huh." 06* Anstace sees Moriel join up with Eliana and Rolf and, really having spoken with Demetria and being pleased that the Court has decided to persue the Fang, has nobody else she cares to speak with, so she makes for them, directly. 06* Moriel nods. "That was my intent, at any rate." 06* Eliana says, dryly, "Only because I feel it should be stopped." 01 If you disagree, you are naturally welcome to do as you wish. <@Dreol> [Moriel spots a gathering in the far corner of a Toreador, Ventrue, and two of the Brujah. One of the Brujah seems to be talking very heatedly at the Toreador. The other Brujah seems to be trying to calm him down.] <@Dreol> [Anstace notices too] <@Dreol> [After a bit of argument, the Brujah seems to calm down and the Ventrue talks for a bit. The Toreador nods and the Brujah sighs and marches off.] <@Dreol> [He sits back down at the Brujah table.] <@Dreol> [As does his buddy.] 06* Moriel 's brows draw down and he looks over. His frown deepens as he actually manages to catch some of what's being said, but then things break up before he can (or feels compelled to) do anything about it. 06* Anstace watches the Brujah for a moment, and seeing them retreat to their table, seems content with that, for now. she does position herself amongst her companions so as to keep an eye on Ulric and Lionel, however. 06* Eliana looks over at the newcomer. "Anstace," she says. "How are you?" 06* Anstace continues watching them. "clearly better than Ulric." she turns to look at Eliana. "and pleased that an effort is being made to recover the Fang. other than that, i expect just the same as you" 06* Eliana raises an eyebrow. "In a fashion." 01 The Brujah seem eager to march on New Carthage. I wonder if they can be persuaded otherwise. is there a need for them to do otherwise? 06* Eliana blinks. "Of course. The threat Moloch presents is a tremendous one." 06* Anstace tilts her head to the side. "really?" 06* Eliana frowns. "Really." so then you have learned more of the ritual 01 Yes. 06* Moriel 's eyebrows rise, but Eliana's answering, so he doesn't interrupt. and in your opinion, it is the greatest danger we now face? 06* Eliana nods. "Doubtless," she says, without hesitation, before expanding: "The ritual itself takes centuries to complete and has never been done before. It requires a number of powerful components, such as the blood equvalent to a fourth-generation kindred, countless innocent sacrifices, and corruption or profanity on a very large scale." 01 Already, there are reports of demons in the area, even as the number of disappearances has risen enough to be noticeable. I don't know how much longer he will need for the ritual to reach its conclusion, but it is reasonable to assume that he feels he is close. <@Dreol> [At that moment Augustus Giovanni approaches Eliana, Anstace, and Moriel and, seemingly unconcerned with interruption, interrupts. "Excuse me... A moment of your time..." He speaks eloquently, with a voice that has a dangerously tranquil quality to it. Like when you are out in the peace and quiet of nature and feel like a snake is slithering somewhere nearby, ready to strike.] 06* Eliana glares at Giovanni, but she tries to curb it enough so he doesn't spontaneously combust. "Yes." <@Dreol> [As Rolf returns to the Gangrel, Caerel looks up. "Rolf, what news? Any progress?"] 06* Moriel 's eyes flick to the newcomer and his face grows closed. Somehow he seems to fade into the background more without actually moving. 06* Anstace thinks for a moment, and starts to say something before Augustus interrupts. "hmmm..." she says, clearly debating continuing on with her conversation and ignoring him completely. When Eliana addresses him, however, she says nothing more. <@Dreol> [Augustus nods. "Thank you, Segnorita Cassale. Have you three given much thought to Demetria's prophecy. It took me very much by surprise, but with the mention of the east, I feel it must involve your quest in some way."] 01 A fair assumption, given we are to travel east in a search of a powerful artifact. it is never wise to ignore an oracle's prophesy. or think you can run from it. 06* Moriel is silent. Let this guy talk if he wants to do it so badly. <@Dreol> [Augustus nods to Anstace. "Yes. I agree... I wonder, though, about some of that prophecy..."] 06* Rolf finds his way back to the Gangrel. At least he doesn't have to listen to Augusty. He looks back at Eliana, then to Caerel before saying, "Eliana says that the ritual Moloch went to set up is real close to succeeding too... and if he does, then it will be death on a scale New Carthage isn't even close to." <@Dreol> [Caerel nods. "If you feel that strongly about it, I trust you, Rolf. We will back the attack on Moloch instead... It is a shame to allow so much carnage to continue to the north, but it will also be quicker to take out Moloch as you will be traveling from the east with the Fang."] 06* Anstace frowns imperceptibly, as she does. "everyone wonders about a prophesy as it is given. it is not until later that it becomes clear. that is the way of oracles." she peers at Augustus closely. "did you feel that you have information that may shed light upon it, or are you just making conversation?" 06* Rolf nods slightly, and rubs his shoulder. "I trust my Ordermate, Caerel. But lives will be lost either way." <@Dreol> [Augustus shrugs. "The prophecy discusses a choice... I would just be careful of your choices from now on... Good evening..." He wanders back to the Cappadocian table.] 06* Eliana snorts. "Useless," she says the moment she judges him out of hearing range. <@Dreol> [Caerel nods to Rolf. "You are right, Rolf. I hope the information is accurate. We will take your advice on this. Good work."] 06* Moriel grimaces agreement. "Or worse." 06* Anstace nods. "his moment of time had expired anyway. next time, he should be more precise. anyway... i take it that there will be glory in stopping this ritual." she motions towards the Brujah table as she says this last part. 06* Eliana tilts her head, looking at the table. "One would assume." She looks at Anstace. "It seems you hold sway with them." 06* Anstace glances over towards Lionel. "perhaps. but then why not try to be seen with one of Mithras's favorite baubles as much as possible?" 06* Moriel frowns after the snake in the grass briefly, but glances back at Anstace at that. After a moment he says carefully, "Perhaps it is not another's reflected glory he desires." <@Dreol> [Mithras comes to the front of the stage again and raises his voice. "I hope you have all enjoyed court tonight, but it is time to make a decision... Be seated, and I would ask a representative from each of the clans to offer the action you suggest."] 06* Moriel glances to the prince and takes his seat again quickly and quietly, as is his wont. 06* Eliana turns and walks back to rejoin her clan. 06* Anstace watches her companions leave and return to their clans. with a small sigh, she returns to the Brujah table and takes her seat. <@Dreol> [Mithras nods as everyone sits down. "A quick and simple vote is enough." He motions towards the Tremere first. Gravina stands. "We vote to attack Moloch." Mithras moves onto the Nosferatu who nod. "We vote to pursue Moloch." Next the Brujah stand. "We vote to attack Carthage." The Ventrue stand and bow. "As do we..." Mithras motions to the Cappadocians and Augustus Giovanni stands. "We vote <@Dreol> to pursue the ritual." Hann stands for the Malkavians and sighs. "We also vote to attack Moloch, but humbly request that our clansmen be pulled out of the north... if possible." Mithras motions to Caerel who stands. "We uh... vote to attack Moloch." He nods uncomfortably and sits down. The Toreador for earlier stands then and looks at the Ventrue and sighs. "The Toreador vote to march on <@Dreol> Carthage."] <@Dreol> [Mithras nods. "It looks like we will be marching to attack Moloch and stop this ritual, then. We shall prepare for that while The Order of the Black Rose departs to retrieve Kali's Fang. They will then meet us in Rome, where there are some friends of the Masquerade, and we will march together to attack Moloch. By then, surely we will know where he is."] <@Dreol> [There are murmurings throughout the room and then Mithras sits back down and it is clear to everyone that court is done. People begin to stand and leave. Gravina, though, makes her way up onto the stage and bows to Mithras before saying something to him. He shrugs and nods and then waves for her to leave. She bows again and walks off.] 06* Eliana picks herself up and moves to leave, falling in step besides Gravina. "If it's not too much to ask, what did you say to the Prince?" <@Dreol> [Gravina looks to Eliana. "I was convincing him to add Ian to the Order so he can continue traveling with you." She says as she heads towards the exit, presumably with Eliana.] 06* Eliana blinks, then says, "Hm," as she slows. "Thank you, Elder. Let me inform the others so it won't be a shock to them." 01 I'll return to the chantry afterwards. <@Dreol> [Gravina nods to Eliana. "I will see you later tonight, then."] <@Dreol> [Session End]