<@Dreol> [Buda, Hungary, April 12th 1262, 9:30 PM] <@Dreol> [Varyn and Anstace and Cecilia have gone into the vault where Varyn's work is being kept safe by Jurgen. It is displayed nicely so as to keep it from being damaged.] <@Dreol> [Begin] 06* Varyn smiles nicely as he starts to get his work out. "I have two really nice pieces with me today, one defensive and one offensive. Which would you be interested in?" <@Dreol> [Cecilia tilts her head. "Hm... Why don't we see the offensive one. We seem to always be defending here, it would be nice to see a tool of attack for once."] 06* Anstace walks along quietly behind Varyn and Cecilia, looking at the various pieces on display in the vault. <@Dreol> [In addition to Varyn's stuff, there are a number of chests, paintings and sculptures. One thing that Anstace may be particularly interested in is a shield that is hanging on the wall. It is clearly a hoplite shield, and it's not a replica.] 06* Varyn nods and starts to unwrap a beautiful broad sword done in the french style, it was adorned with images of lions and gryphons the whole way around the hilt that extend on the blade. 06* Anstace does indeed take notice of the shield. she walks over to it for a closer look, her interest piqued <@Dreol> [The shield is in quite good condition. Not perfect by any means, but better than one would expect for a shield that may be nearly 2000 years old.] 06* Varyn looks over at Anstace, watching her now. 06* Anstace reaches out and picks up the shield, brushing off the dust carefully. 06* Anstace respectfully traces the dents and creases with her fingers. <@Dreol> [Cecilia looks over the sword. "It's quite lovely. Impressive worksmanship. Do you have patrons? Or do you just travel and sell your wares?"] I travel and sale, sometimes I have a patron for a specific project. <@Dreol> [Cecilia nods. "Who typically buys your wares?"] 06* Anstace tilts the shield towards the light so she can see the faded images better. she inspects each one closely before pulling back to look at the whole image. Mostly vampires or rich humans if I'm amused by them 06* Anstace spins the shield in her hands, and in a clearly practiced manner, loops her arm through the straps and BAM! it's equipped! <@Dreol> [Cecilia nods and then turns to Anstace. "Miss Anstace, what is that?"] 06* Anstace looks down at the shield and moves her shield arm, judging its weight and strength. Looks like a hoplite shield. Quite old. it is a hoplon. a shield, as you say. and clearly something better suited for the field of battle than being displayed as a bauble in someone's collection I believe armor should do both, however it's not mine to say what should be done with it 06* Anstace looks away from the shield for the first time since she laid eyes on it. she turns to Varyn. "indeed. owners prefer that their trophies be displayed or used as they see fit." Exactly. I would help you argue for it if you want. 06* Anstace shakes her head. "the rarer the bauble, the more jealously it is held." she touches the shield gently with her free (spear) arm, brushing off another cobweb that she missed earlier. "though i should like to find its owner. i have questions" <@Dreol> [At that moment, unexpectadly, The vault door swings open and Lord Jurgen steps into the vault. "It is mine, as it happens. It belonged to my grandsire." He turns to Varyn. "Your work is most beautiful, Mr. Schmied. While you are here, I must comission something from you."] 06* Anstace bows her head slightly to Jurgen. "then i do have questions when you are free" <@Dreol> [Cecilia bows to Jurgen as he enters and Jurgen shrugs. "Whenever you like, Miss Winter Rose."] well, i should like to now then. though i gathered from your entrance and the way you quickly turned to business that you were otherwise engaged 06* Varyn blinks looking at Jurgen, off balance a bit. "I..I will make you something that's worthy of you." 06* Anstace looks at Varyn and then back at Jurgen. "as i suspected." she carefully removes the shield and replaces it where it was displayed. <@Dreol> [Jurgen nods to Varyn. "I am certain you will." He then turns to Anstace. "You have a fondness for that shield?" Cecilia, for her part is spending some time admiring the painting and sculptures that are stored here.] I believe she does. She has a warriors instict. a Spartan shield was never meant to collect dust <@Dreol> [Jurgen shrugs. "It is not much use in this age of iron. If you wish for it, though, I am willing to offer it to you as a gift. You have done much for my city in the brief time you have been here. Perhaps our master smith here could reinforce it somehow so that it would serve you better in battle."] 06* Varyn smiles a bit hearing that happy for Anstace and the shield. 06* Anstace nods, hiding her excitement behind her completely emotionless and stoic expression. "i thank you, though this does not negate my line of questioning. that shall wait for when you have more time" <@Dreol> [Jurgen nods. "As you will, Anstace Winter Rose." He turns on his heal and leaves the vault. Cecilia turns around to face Anstace. "It would be an honor to paint you with that shield, Miss Anstace. If you would like me to."] I know you'd make both subjects shine. 06* Anstace looks at Cecilia and Varyn. "a bauble does not get to pick whether it is on display. it always is, regardless of its wishes." 06* Anstace turns back to the shield, and gently runs her fingers across it. <@Dreol> [Cecilia seems genuinely confused by Anstace's words. "Well, if you would like me to paint you, you have but to ask."] 06* Varyn looks at Anstace, a little sad. "You will give it battle once more." 06* Anstace turns back to Varyn. "yes. but we will both still be on display" Is that so bad? Every one needs something to look towards for inspiration. so i have been told, and such is my place. as Mitrhas has willed it, my title serves as an example to all who fight on our side. if being the subject of a painting, or a title is what it takes to win this war, then do i really have a choice? Right, it will inspire all to winning the war. <@Dreol> [Cecilia shakes her head. "I am an excellent painter, Miss Anstace, but I do not believe my paintings can win a war. I would be more than happy to present the painting to you or the person of your choice."] Symbols are very important on the warfield. A painting can win the war if the story and moral are there. 06* Anstace turns to look at Varyn. she says nothing for a few moments, but then breaks the silence. "if the painting will bring you to our side in this conflict, and give you purpose behind why you stand with us, then it will have served it's purpose." she turns to Cecilia. "i will submit to be painted. and when it is finished, i wish it to go to Varyn Schmied." <@Dreol> [Cecilia nods. "As you wish."] <@Dreol> [Session End]