Eliana Casale

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Name: Eliana Casale
Aliases: Sister Eliane
Species: Vampire
Clan: Tremere
Generation: 7th
Sire: Valentin Montange
Apparent Age: 29
Status: Alive
Played By: Ardweden

Powers and Abilities

Clan Disciplines: Auspex 1, Dominate, Thaumaturgy 1
Thaumaturgical Paths: Path of Blood 1
Thaumaturgical Rituals: Unknown
Other Disciplines: None
Additional Abilities: Eidetic Memory, Occult Knowledge

Thus far, Eliana's demonstrated that she has preternatural senses and an excellent memory, at least when it comes to images (which she seems to access more vividly by closing her eyes). She also has a habit of testing blood by touching her finger to it.


Eliana has long, dark, curly hair and equally dark eyes, along with the paleness that usually comes with being a vampire (even a newly formed one). She's nothing particularly special, though, unless one has a taste for Italians specifically. Her frosty demeanor doesn't help things - not to mention the fact that she's literally freezing cold. Eliana is very exact with her language and a little bit paranoid, and she'd typically prefer to be left to her own business.

She generally dresses in long scholarly robes and a hooded cloak, favoring drab and dark colors, with gloved hands further removing her from direct human (or vampiric) touch.


Eliana claims she was originally from a minor noble family in Italy. Her sire, Valentin Montange, discovered her as Sister Eliane in a convent in France. She was sired around 1220. She stayed in France for a number of years afterwards, assisting with his research, before the Tremere called her to London.

She and Rolf have a bit of a history, as they worked together to help out a village at Prince Mithras' insistence. This is also where Eliana found (she may even say "rescued") Jill.


Valentin Montange - Sire
Jill Leftherder - Servant
Cyril - Fellow Tremere
