Eliana Casale

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Name: Eliana Casale
Aliases: Sister Eliane
Species: Vampire
Clan: Tremere
Generation: 7th
Sire: Valentin Montange
Apparent Age: 29
Status: Alive
Played By: Ardweden

Powers and Abilities

Clan Disciplines: Auspex 1, Dominate 1, Thaumaturgy 2
Thaumaturgical Paths: Path of Blood 2, Lure of Flames 1
Thaumaturgical Rituals: Defense of the Sacred Haven
Other Disciplines: None
Additional Abilities: Eidetic Memory, Occult Knowledge


Eliana has long, dark, curly hair and equally dark eyes, along with the paleness that usually comes with being a vampire (even a newly formed one). She's nothing particularly special, though, unless one has a taste for Italians specifically. Her frosty demeanor doesn't help things - not to mention the fact that she's literally freezing cold. Eliana is very exact with her language and a little bit paranoid, and she'd typically prefer to be left to her own business.

She generally dresses in long scholarly robes and a hooded cloak, favoring drab and dark colors, with gloved hands further removing her from direct human (or vampiric) touch.


Eliana claims she was originally from a minor noble family in Italy. Her sire, Valentin Montange, discovered her as Sister Eliane in a convent in France. She was sired around 1220. She stayed in France for a number of years afterwards, assisting with his research, before the Tremere called her to London.

She and Rolf have a bit of a history, as they worked together to help out a village at Prince Mithras' insistence. This is also where Eliana found (she may even say "rescued") Jill.


Valentin Montange - Sire
Jill Leftherder - Servant
Cyril - Fellow Tremere
