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Name: Gravina
Species: Vampire
Clan: Tremere
Allegiance: Grand Masquerade, Court of London
Generation: 5th
Sire: Meerlinda
Apparent Age: 14
Status: Alive

Powers and Abilities

Clan Disciplines: Auspex, Dominate 4+, Thaumaturgy 5+
Other Disciplines: Fortitude
Thaumaturgical Paths: Movement of Mind 4+, Path of Blood 5, Elemental Mastery, Path of Conjuring
Thaumaturgical Rituals: Communication with Kindred Sire, Sanguine Assistant, Enchant Talisman, Blood Contract
Additional Abilities: Coldly Logical, Concentration

Appearance and Personality

Gravina appears to be a 14 year-old girl. She has brown hair that is usually tied up in a tight bun so that it stays out of her way. She always dresses in very exquisite scholar's robes. She treats people and events coldly and maintains an extremely logical attitude being careful not to show emotions that may be taken as weakness. She is not predisposed to volunteer help to others unless it directly benefits the clan or herself, but she will assist other Tremere if asked, as long as it does not interfere with her work too much.


Gravina was born in 1080 A.D. and embraced at only 14. She was struck with a fatal illness and Meerlinda saw in her the makings of a brilliant scholar and gifted mage and so embraced Gravina to save her from death. It has been made very clear to Gravina that she was saved so as to not waste her gift and so she spends most of her time in the chantry researching and creating new rituals. Meerlinda granted Gravina control of the London Chantry and she maintains her cold, powerful demeanor to ensure her command, which is often threatened due to her gender and apparent age.


Theme: None Yet
First Appeared: Session 1