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Name: Aliz
Species: Ghoul
Domitor: Moriel MacRae
Apparent Age: 16
Status: Alive

Powers and Abilities

Disciplines: Potence 1, Auspex 1

Aliz first encountered the PCs when her spirit was separated from her body, which was in the underworld. Her ability to separate her soul from her body at that time has not been explained, but while in that state, she was also able to take others into the underworld with her.

Appearance and Personality

Aliz is slightly above average height at 5'2". And has a lean, athletic build. She has fairly pale skin (from spending less time during the day than she would if she were not spending time with a vampire), dark hair that extends down to the middle of her back and dark brown eyes.

Aliz is incredibly strong-willed and intensely protective of those she cares about (that list is quite short). When she was younger, she was incredibly quiet. She would only talk to Moriel, and occasionally give one-word responses to others. As she has gotten older, she has managed to open up to other people, but she is still nervous and fairly quiet around strangers. Once she became a ghoul, her confidence in herself both as a combatant, and in her own independence, grew. She now feels like she can defend those she cares about and is less afraid of strangers (though, she does still prefer not to speak to them).



Moriel MacRae - Guardian at first, who knows later.


First Appeared: Session 52